TNN Engineering has been involved in the supply of greenhouses kit components for over a decade. We do not construct or build the structures, we do however sell ‘commercial greenhouse kits’ in that we provide the materials and components necessary for farmers and contractors to erect these structures on their farms. The structures are best described as polytunnels or hothouses and are not your typical flat panelled glass building that most people would associate with a greenhouse. Polytunnels have a curved steel frame which provides strength and is easier to cover with plastic film. The plastic film traps the moisture and heat inside and this is why they are referred to has hothouses. Along with the commercial polytunnel frame, TNN supplies the greenhouse guttering and clipping system and wiggle wire.
Why Polytunnel Greenhouses?
To optimise the productivity of the crops or plants protected cropping involves growing plants in an enclosed structure so that the conditions can be controlled. The structures used can be simple or quite elaborate and expensive. TNN Engineering supplies the components for polytunnel or hothouse greenhouses as these are the most economical way to create a controlled environment in which to grow plants.